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Ship Auger Bits for Dock & Marine Construction

Long length ship augar bits are needed when drilling through heavy timbers and piling in order to bolt them together. Sea Port Marine carries augar bits from 7/16" diameter to 1-1/2" diameter and up to 30 inches long.  The screw tip on the ship augar bit helps pull the the cutting edge of ship augar into the wood and the large flutes that run the length of the ship auger bit extract the shavings from the hole quickly.


Mag Wood Augers

AS LOW AS $75.60
Manufactured by Mag Bits
306ST-13  ITM  4-5.8 IN SPEED BOR

Self Feed Augers

AS LOW AS $51.84
Speedbor Max Self Feed Auger Bits

Wood Owl Augers

AS LOW AS $75.48
Wood Owl Augers Manufactured by Star M Corporation since 1923

Contractor Pricing

Are you a contractor or industry professional? We offer special pricing to help you get the job done.
Contact us below and we will reach out to you about whether you qualify.

Sea Port Marine Corp., Marine Equipment, Chesapeake, VA